Adventure and Sport

盡情於臥龍崗(Wollongong)享受刺激的跳傘及滑翔活動;前往雪梨西部的彭里斯體育館(Penrith Whitewater Stadium),在奧運賽道中進行激流泛舟;租借單車,暢遊百年紀念公園區(Centennial Parklands);或到雪梨海港中划橡皮艇、乘坐噴射船遊覽海港景色。

您可到北岸的史蒂芬斯港(Port Stephens)試玩滑翔傘,或在拜倫灣(Byron Bay)潛水或浮潛,欣賞美麗的珊瑚礁。乘坐熱氣球亦是雪梨、獵人谷(Hunter Valley)及拜倫灣的一項熱門活動。遊客可在雪梨與新南威爾士區的多個高爾夫球場內打高爾夫球;雪山(Snowy Mountains)更於冬季及初春期間提供滑雪行程。

Penrith Whitewater Stadium
North Sydney Olympic Pool



即使您喜愛較溫和的活動,亦有無數的選擇,如前往國家公園的步行小徑,以及在海岸上划橡皮艇與釣魚。於沙灘旁、公園及叢林地自然保護區內的單車徑上踩單車亦是另一熱門消遣活動;您還可以前往雪梨海港,跟著 EastSailExplore Sailing  Harbour Days Sailing 於海中航行。

如要追求極致刺激,您可選擇在迷人的海灘及腹地上空跳傘,感覺腎上腺素上升的快感。雪梨北部及南部的跳傘區包括有臥龍崗(Wollongong中海岸(Central Coast紐卡素(Newcastle獵人谷(Hunter Valley考夫斯港(Coffs Harbour拜倫灣(Byron Bay

如果您熱愛水底歷險,可前往海洋公園,觀賞多采多姿的海洋生態。您亦可到南岸(South Coast的蒙達哥島(Montague Island),與海豹一同潛水,或在北岸的朱利安岩海洋保護區,尋找海龜與魔鬼魚的蹤影。若想親眼目睹瓶鼻海豚在您面前玩耍,可參加 Sundive Byron Bay 的導覽旅行,或自行划橡皮艇觀看。

前往市中心附近的雪梨木球場(Sydney Cricket Ground),以及雪梨西部 40 分鐘火車車程的雪梨奧林匹克公園,與熱情洋溢的體育球迷共同參與大型體育盛事。

如果您在遠近馳名的新年煙火匯演舉行的一星期前抵達,即可參與勞力士雪梨至霍巴特帆船賽(Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race激動人心的開幕。

C​ouple, Leura Golf Course, Blue Mountains


Sydney has many beautiful golf courses, including a nine ­hole course with views over Bondi Beach. Visitors are welcome at many golf courses in Sydney and at other NSW destinations, such as the Hunter Valley, Blue Mountains and Southern Highlands.

E​njoy fishing off the beautiful Lord Howe Island


Cast a line at bays and beaches all around Sydney Harbour, or enjoy a charter fishing trips at many seaside towns along the NSW coast. For fly fishing enthusiasts, the Snowy Mountains’ lakes and rivers teem with trout and Atlantic salmon.
F​riends sailing in Sydney Harbour, Sydney


Sydney is a beautiful and easy city to explore by boat, with coastal routes and inland rivers giving you plenty of options for a daytrip or overnight cruise. Set sail on an adventure and explore stunning Sydney Harbour by boat.
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