Beach lifestyle
發掘澳洲新南威爾士南岸(South Coast)及北岸(North Coast)中一些最好的衝浪地點;於雪梨租車駛至臥龍崗(Wollongong)南部的奇拉里州立公園(Killalea State Park),於其內的 The Farm 及 Mystics 海灘中衝浪;駕車或乘坐火車至北部紐卡素(Newcastle)的梅里韋瑟海灘(Merewether Beach);或參加衝浪團。

於細滑潔白的沙粒中扭動您的腳趾、在大海中暢泳後於陽光下休息、看著衝浪健兒乘風破浪… 這一切組成了令雪梨如此誘人的海灘生活。
澳洲的海灘生活代表著放鬆身心及享受玩樂。新南威爾士擁有數以百計的海灘,綿延超過 2,000 公里。邦代與曼利都是雪梨最有名的海灘,是彼此的良性競爭對手;而棕櫚海灘(Palm Beach)則很受著名國際電視劇《聚散離合》(Home and Away)的影迷歡迎。
您可輕易地於雪梨海港四周找到寧靜宜人的海灘,如巴莫路海灘(Balmoral Beach)、金寶灣(Camp Cove)與西芹灣(Parsley Bay)。
雪梨的南部及北部則有幾個最佳的衝浪地點,是全年無休的熱門休閒好去處。澳洲的衝浪文化源於雪梨北部的淡水海灘(Freshwater),由夏威夷衝浪手 Duke Kahanamok 於 1914 至 1915 年的夏天將衝浪運動普及化。

邦代海灘(Bondi Beach)

Manly Beach

South Coast Beaches
Discover some of NSW’s best surfing beaches on the South Coast. You’ll also find good casual dining at waterfront cafés and restaurants and plenty of exciting things to do, such as Skydive the Beach in Wollongong.

北岸擁有澳洲其中幾個最好的礁岩浪點(Point Break)、波管浪(Hollow Tube)及長距離衝浪(Long Ride)地點。衝浪手紛紛前往北岸,為的就是因海洋湧浪、海岬突臂及暗礁所形成的海浪。海豚更會於柯勒森角(Crescent Head)與衝浪手共同乘風破浪。
Dive Lord Howe
Explore the most southern coral barrier reef on earth with Pro Dive Lord Howe Island.
Bonza Bike Tours
A fun and memorable way to experience Sydney is on a bicycle with Bonza Bike Tours.
Jetty Dive Centre
Explore the beautiful waters of Solitary Islands Marine Park with Jetty Dive, a dive centre in Coffs Harbour on the NSW North Coast. Jetty Dive has daily charters for snorkellers and scuba divers to the Solitary Islands.
Oz Whale Watching
Embark with Oz Whale Watching on a thrilling tour from Sydney Harbour to marvel at whales migrating along the coast. You’ll cruise aboard the MV Jerry Bailey, a 21-metre catamaran specially designed to handle ocean conditions.
Sydney Harbour Tall Ships
Step back in maritime history and sail aboard an authentic tall ship with Sydney Harbour Tall Ships. You can even climb a mast for magnificent views and an exceptional Sydney adventure.
Lets Go stand up paddle boarding
Some of Australia's greatest experiences on Australia's greatest beaches!