Drives and road trips
藍色海洋路(Grand Pacific Drive)始於雪梨以南的皇家國家公園,曲折穿越雨林延至海岸。您可於新南威爾士州第三大城市臥龍崗(Wollongong)過夜,此處擁有許多一流海鮮餐廳,更設有伊拉瓦拉酒廠(Illawarra Brewery)。
傳奇太平洋海岸(Legendary Pacific Coast)往雪梨北方蜿蜒而伸。沿途散布迷人城鎮及村落,包括獵人谷(Hunter Valley)葡萄園。至少需要四天,方可盡遊途中各大景點,例如考夫斯港蝴蝶屋(Coffs Harbour Butterfly House)。

從雪梨出發的三大熱門觀光路線:沿南岸前往肖爾黑文(Shoalhaven)的藍色海洋公路(Grand Pacific Drive)、沿北岸一路向北的傳奇太平洋海岸公路(Legendary Pacific Coast Drive),以及穿越世界遺產保護區藍山的大藍山公路(Greater Blue Mountains Drive)。
其他沿途風光秀麗的公路包括穿越雪山(Snowy Mountains)的 300 公里雪谷路(Snowy Valleys Way),以及位於新南威爾士州北方高原的 200 公里瀑布路(Waterfall Way)。偷獵者小徑(Poachers Way)是條美酒佳餚路徑;坎培拉(Canberra)與雪梨相距三小時車程,您可在附近的新南威爾士州城鎮享用新鮮食品及美酒佳釀。
在內陸可沿著長圍場路線(Long Paddock)而行;長圍場路線依科布高速公路(Cobb Highway)而建,延綿 600 公里,而科布高速公路則以知名驛站馬車公司 Cobb & Co 命名。達令河徑(Darling River Run)長 730 公里,依著達令河穿越新南威爾士內陸,延至與澳洲最長河流墨累河(Murray River)的匯流處。

Grand Pacific Drive
Follow this scenic southerly route as it heads from the Royal National Park towards Wollongong, and further south to Kiama. Explore seaside villages, swim at quiet sandy beaches and marvel at areas of ancient rainforest along the way.

Greater Blue Mountains Drive
Tour the 18 different discovery trails that branch off from the main route and enjoy world heritage listed scenery along the way. Explore a selection of the many spectacular attractions of the Blue Mountains region.

Legendary Pacific Coast
Enjoy coastal scenery, spectacular national parks, abundant state forests, golden surf beaches and friendly villages. Visit the Central Coast, Port Stephens, Coffs Harbour, Ballina and Byron Bay as you make your way north on this iconic drive.